Cover Letters
Our Privacy Policy has always been committed to provide the viewers with the best and the latest in resume writing. At the same time, we are bound to keep the privacy of the viewer intact. While using this site, the viewer can rest assured that we will not exchange any personal or contact information to any third party client at any cost.

No Information Collection
When a visitor is visiting our site, our web server collects no information regarding the domain, location, email address or route. The server checks the IP address, and this is used for internal purposes. We use this IP address to track the unique visitors of our site for our reference. This IP address is not visible in any page of our site.

We regard privacy a very important concern. User and client privacy is regarded critically important. We do not encourage misuse of information provided to us and neither do we engage in it.

Third Party Advertising
We use Burst Media, Casale Media, Buds Inc, Google, RealCastMedia, Commission Junction, MaxWorldwide and other third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website.

These companies use this information (this does not include your personal or contact information). They use this information to decide adverduisements regarding their goods or services.

Third Party Cookies
When the advertiser serves advertisement to this site, they identify a unique cookie on our browser. This cookie may be used by our advertiser to navigate and target your website. Any advertisement by Google Inc. can be controlled using cookies.

Advertisement by Google
Google advertisements are displayed in the publisher's website with the note, AdSense. These are content ads. You can visit google privacy policy page for more information.

DoubleClickDART Cookie
This cookie is generated when the user views or clicks on the ads displayed by Google. These cookies are gathered by Google and will enable the ads publisher better serve and manage the ads on their web site.

Offsite Links
The reader will come across some links of the other sites on our site. It should be made clear here itself that will not be responsible for any processing or use of the personal information of the users by these third party websites as they will go with their own privacy policies. The user is recommended to read the privacy policy of those sites when they visit them.

Changes to this Privacy Policy:
Please note that this Privacy Policy is subject to change from time to time depending upon the changes in the world of internet. We will not condense your rights under this Privacy Policy without your prior permission. We will post any Privacy Policy changes on this page and if the changes are important, we will provide a more prominent notice (including, for certain services, email notification of Privacy Policy changes). We will also keep the prior versions of this Privacy Policy in records for your review.

Your queries and doubts about the privacy policies of are always welcome. You can contact us any time.